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Deka smart xide dot täiskordne noorendamine

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The SmartXide DOT CO2 laser allows for carrying out Fractional Laser Skin Resurfacing (FLSR) treatment. With FLSR the epithelial damage caused is less dramatic than that caused by the traditional ablative techniques. A part of the tissue remains intact during the treatment and acts like a natural bandage. The skin .Fractionated CO2 - Smart Xide DOT Resurfacing laser resurfaces the skin, rejuvenating your appearance and improving acne scars and stretch marks.SmartXide2 DOT/RF: Combined Action, Total Rejuvenation DEKA has developed an innovative and exclusive configuration designed for aesthetic medicine and dermatological surgery. The equipment is called Smartxide2 DOT/RF and introduces for the first time the combined action of CO2 laser with radiofrequency.SmartXide DOT®: Excellence, Technology And Reliability The natural effects of aging, sunlight and exposure to air pollution cause a gradual deterioration in both the structure and functions of the skin. SmartXide DOT has paved the way for a new generation of CO2 lasers. Yet another DEKA breakthrough, melding scientific .Tailored treatments, Improved results DOT Therapy powered by the SmartXide DOT laser system employs a unique modulated superpulse technology, SmartPulse, which allows simultaneous independent control of both energy (depth) and dwell time (thermal damage).

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